
MAGROUP business processes have one thing in common: people.

The Group entrusts the success of its strategies to the commitment and professionalism of its people, who represent its main competitive advantage.

As part of its Industrial Plan and ESG Plan, MAGROUP has defined a programme of actions aimed both at developing a professional environment based on equal opportunities, non-discrimination and respect for diversity and multiculturalism, and at adopting a proactive strategy to attract new talent and grow the talent already present in the company in order to develop key roles on people of value.

Gender Equality

Gender equality in business is an indispensable element for growth: equity between women and men in the workforce translates into greater availability of skills, improved performance and a positive corporate reputation. Globally, the impact is beneficial and relates to increasing employment rates and sustainable development of countries.

Unfortunately, the gender gap will not close for about 150 years according to recent studies. Obstacles are rooted in cultural factors, which translate into inequalities such as the wage gap, the low presence of women at the top of organisations, but also the lack of adequate guidelines to facilitate work-life balance.

MAGROUP considers the promotion of diversity a distinctive factor of competitiveness, talent attraction and human capital enhancement. The approach translates into listening, mentorship and coaching initiatives, training courses on gender bias and language, disseminating inclusive leadership models and supporting parenthood.

We have instituted a Gender Equality Committee to support and propose initiatives aimed at decreasing diversity and spreading the shared values #Diversity&Inclusion and #DiscoveryCulture at company level: we promote an inclusive corporate culture and flexible working models and we are committed to ensuring equal pay.

Moreover, our talents come from different countries; our strength lies in the power of uniqueness. The new idea of work at MAGROUP is based on the equality of individuals, before any gender.

MAGROUP has put in place measurable actions specifically dedicated to gender equality, with activities that will bring benefits in the short to medium term and initiatives that will produce impacts in the medium to long term. We are working to achieve Gender Equality Certification, we have released an internal survey on the subject to raise awareness among the entire workforce and to propose initiatives that can improve work-life balance; we are raising awareness among our resources on the various issues that gender equality holds, we have supported the #FourWeeksforInclusion promoted by TIM, participating with a dedicated event, an internal talk on the subject “Women in stem: flying from the past to the present”, shared with all our employees and available at the following link: 4 Weeks 4 Inclusion (

We make our Gender Equality Policy and the MAGROUP Charter of Values available.

We are aware that our path will not always be easy, but we have decided to take the first step, to respect our shared Values, our people and our company itself.

Individual well-being

The culture of corporate sustainability cannot fail to pass through a culture of sustainability of the work and the people you work with. MAGROUP orients its people management towards sustainable internal development by paying attention to the impact that business management has on employees, with the conviction that the first sustainability of the organisation is internal sustainability, i.e. sustainability of work.

For us, the focus is on the well-being of the individual, understood in an integral sense: psychic, physical and emotional, also promoting the effectiveness of the Total Reward and Talent Value Proposition, involving employees and improving their performance and productivity.

Digital transformation

The digitisation of business processes provides added value to our company and is not only limited to the elimination of the use of paper, but above all to the possibility of creating new automated models that allow business objectives to be achieved and the needs of customers and employees to be better met. Thanks to interconnected computer systems, information can be managed through a single ‘management system’ that can be accessed by all members of the company. The digitisation process has also improved the work experience of our employees through digital feedback collection and design thinking workshops.


Sustainability and training: ESG is only possible with the involvement of people and requires knowledge of sustainability principles and available technology in processes, especially in ESG Digital Governance.

We have multiple partnerships with academic institutions and provide an average of 25 hours of training, globally, to each employee.

Talent enhancement

In order to give consistency to a competence-building-oriented strategy, MAGROUP has planned a series of actions aimed at attracting and enhancing talent:

  • Employee Survey: useful to ensure an engaging employee experience and at the same time to achieve ever higher organisational performance.
  • Total Rewards: attracting talent to enable maximum value to the heterogeneous and multi-generational workforce.
  • Future of work: New organisational models overcoming traditional concepts of tasks and work.
  • Culture of feedback: Dialogue and continuous improvement at 360; structured moments of growth and performance review.

Inclusion & Diversity

Adopt a healthy corporate culture of integrating inclusion and diversity into the talent experience: employees must feel free to bring the best version of themselves to work, collaborating, devising and contributing to increased engagement, productivity and overall financial performance.

Relations with the territory

MAGROUP cares about growth and investment in the region and its community. Our social and corporate sustainability projects aim to create efficiency, sustainable growth and value for the company and the entire community.

  • Through the promotion of partnerships and training projects with schools and institutes in the area, students can gain initial experience in the company in order to confront the world of work and discover their talents.
  • Through sustainable projects with local and institutional bodies, the aim is to raise awareness of sustainability and others such as social redemption, charity and solidarity.

Top Employers 2024

MAGROUP was awarded the Top Employers 2022 and Top Employers 2023 certification in Italy and in the USA and since 2024 also in Brazil. 

An ambitious goal that rewards the work carried out in the company, to continue building and investing on what are considered MAGROUP’s cornerstones: communication, training, engagement, safety at work, attention to diversity, support to the communities where the company operates on the Italian and American sites.