
The Legal, Compliance & Corporate Affairs Department implements a constant verification of formal and substantive compliance with the procedures in force within the company, as well as putting in place a process to identify, manage, monitor and control the risks to which Group companies are exposed.

The Group has based its governance on principles of legality, transparency, traceability and prevention of corruption.

Code of Ethics and Conduct

The set of ethical principles and values expressed in the code inspire everyone’s activity, taking into account the importance of roles, the complexity of functions and responsibilities for the pursuit of the Group’s goals.

Organisation, Management and Control Model

The code defines the procedural directives to be followed in all decision-making and operational phases of the business activity, in order to guarantee the regular functioning as well as the reliability of the management and the image of the Group companies.

Supply Chain Compliance

To minimize environmental impacts and improve supply chain sustainability, the company engages in every stage of the value chain, from responsible sourcing of raw materials to production and its subsequent distribution to customers. MAGROUP conducts careful selection towards its suppliers in order to ensure sustainability and relative traceability of supplies.

In particular, with regard to the contract stipulation phase, the Group’s Italian companies require their suppliers, foreign and Italian, to sign, at the same time as signing the contract, a certificate that allows them to ensure their performance in terms of sustainability of the production chain.