Magnaghi Aeronautica – MAGROUP is the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and FAA Type Certificate (TC) holder for the Sky Arrow family of aircraft.

Sky Arrow is certified according to EASA and FAA rules, both in General Aviation (FAR 23) and LSA (Light Sport Aircraft) categories. Increasing the current EASA, FAA and Chinese certification, MAGROUP was awarded with Brazilian ANAC Acceptance allowing our platform to fly as a LSA (Light Sport Aircraft) and pilot training.
FAR 23 version is mainly devoted to aerial working, LSA for sport and training: out of 220 Sky Arrow that are already flying worldwide, 30 are certified and equipped with aerial working devices.
As the only single engine FAA FAR 23 manned certified aerial platform in its category, Sky Arrow can be utilized for multiple commercial and military missions. Sky Arrow is ideally suited for all applications that require the aggregation and fusion of real-time data from the sky, and the surveillance and intercept of ground or flying assets. A next generation manned version of Sky Arrow (Sky Arrow 710NG), as well as an unmanned version (Sky Arrow Ulysses 1000) are also approaching certification, to complement the existing versions, such as Sky Arrow 650 TCNS.

Sky Arrow’s manned capabilities, low acquisition costs and minimal operating costs provide operators with economics and performance that are far better than UAS/drones, helicopters or other fixed wing aircraft. A fleet of Sky Arrows, for example, could provide a key node in land, border and coastline patrol/surveillance for the domestic security efforts. Furthermore, utilization of Sky Arrow could be a critical asset in post-hurricane and fire detection scenarios, providing an essential real-time “eye-in-the-sky”. Furthermore, Sky Arrow’s role in precision agricultural mapping provides a solution that is one quarter of the cost of a drone alternative, and a fraction of other helicopter or fixed-wing configurations.

A list of some applications for which Sky Arrow is tailored as an aerial surveillance platform is provide below: